The Magisterium constantly proclaims the truth of
resurrection of the body.
Council of Toledo XI, 675
Thus, according to
the model of our Head, we profess that
there is a true bodily resurrection of all the
dead... we shall
rise in this very body in which we now
live and are and move.
(Denzinger 287)
Lateran Council IV, 1215
... He (Christ) will come at the end of the world;
he will judge
the living and the dead; and he will reward all,
both the lost
and elect, according to their works. And all these will rise with
their own bodies which they now have so that they
may receive
according to their works, whether good or bad; the
wicked, a
perpetual punishment with the devil; the good,
eternal glory
with Christ. (Denzinger 429)