On May 1, 418, another Council of Carthage
(consisting of more than 200 bishops)
St. Augustine’s leadership, condemned
Canon 3: "Likewise it seemed good, that
whoever should say that the
of God, by which a man is justified through Jesus Christ our
avails only for the remission of past
sins, and not for assistance against
committing sins in the future, let him
be anathema."
Canon 4: "Also, whoever shall say that the same grace of God through
Jesus Christ our Lord helps us only in
not sinning by revealing to us and
opening to our understanding the
commandments, so that we may know
what to seek, what we ought to avoid,
and also that we should love to do
so, but that through it [grace] we are
not helped so that we are able to do
what we know we should do, let him be anathema.