Jesus renamed Simon bar-Jonah
for a purpose. The literalness
of the play on words--a
linguistic pun--is made clear. A pun
is a pun because of the
literalness of the play on words. This
was precisely what Jesus was saying.
"You are Rocky and
on this rock I will build my
church." His intent becomes clear
when we examine the
Aramaic in which language Jesus
addressed Peter.
'aph 'ena' 'amar-na' lak da'(n)t-(h)uw ke'pha'
and I say
- I to
thee that-thou-art Kephas
we`'al hade' ke'pha' 'ebneyh le`i(d)tiy
upon this rock I
will build her namely my church
Note that the word for Peter, ke'pha', is the same word for
rock. The words are equated: Peter is the rock.