Chrysippus, Priest of Jerusalem (d. 479)
Oratio in S. Mariam Deiparam, # 3; ed. M. Jugie, A.A., Homélies, mariales
in P0 19 (1926) 340f.
What then, what is the enemy of the human race likely
to say to himself
when now he sees us called back to the pristine
adoption of sons through
a woman? Does he not ask repeatedly and lament:
"How does it happen
that the instrument which was my colleague in the
beginning, is now my
enemy? A woman co-operated with me to obtain tyrannical
power over the
race, and a woman has evicted me from that tyrannical
power. The ancient
Eve exalted me, but the new Eve deposed me. Really, Eve
is even now the
same according to nature, though she is not Eve
according to the
generation. For what woman was able to give birth to
such a wonderful
Child, or to conceive without being subject to any
corruption of
intercourse? She
became a mother without loss of virginity;